Where To Find Keys

Program Menu:

Press "PRGM" button>> to access the program menu

Creating a New Program:

Press "PRGM" button>> navigate to "New">> press "ENTER"

Input the program name>> press "ENTER"

Program Editor:

Press "PRGM" button>> navigate to the program you want to edit>> press "ENTER"

Input and Output:

Use the "PROMPT" command: Input the command "Prompt" followed by the variable name you want to store the input in>> press "ENTER"

Use the "DISP" command: Input the command "Disp" followed by the text or variable you want to display>> press "ENTER"


To create a variable: Press "VARS" button>> navigate to "New">> input the variable name>> press "ENTER"

Control Flow:

Use the "IF-THEN" structure: Input the command "If" followed by the condition you want to check, then "Then" followed by the action you want to take if the condition is true>> press "ENTER"

Use the "FOR-NEXT" structure: Input the command "For(" followed by the variable, start value, end value, and step size, separated by commas, then ")" followed by the action you want to repeat>> press "ENTER"

Additional Functions:

Press "2nd" button>> press the button corresponding to the function you want to use. For example, to access the trigonometric functions, press "2nd" followed by "TRIG."

To access the drawing functions: press "DRAW"

To access the graphing functions: press "Y="

Exiting and Deleting:

Press "Quit" button to exit the program or the programming editor.

Press "DEL" button to delete a character or line

Press "CLEAR" button to delete the whole program.

What the Keys mean

Math: Basic math operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, can be found on the "Math" menu. This menu also includes functions such as square roots, natural logarithms, and trigonometric functions.

Program Editor: The Program Editor can be found by pressing the "PRGM" button. This editor is where you will write and edit your TI-BASIC programs.

Variables and Lists: Variables and lists can be found in the "VAR-LINK" menu. This menu allows you to create and edit variables and lists, and also provides options for clearing and copying variables.

Input and Output: The "I/O" menu provides options for inputting and outputting values, such as the "Input" and "Disp" commands.

Conditional Statements: The "Flow" menu provides options for controlling the flow of your program, such as conditional statements (If-Then) and loops (For and While).

Subroutines: The "Sub" menu provides options for creating and editing subroutines, such as the "Sub" and "Gosub" commands.

Text: The "Text" menu provides options for working with text strings, such as the "String" and "Text" commands.

Advanced Math: The "MATH" menu provides more advanced math functions and constants, such as the "Σ" (summation) and "nCr" (combination) commands, and the "π" and "e" constants.

Graphing: The "GRAPH" menu provides options for creating and editing graphs, such as the "Plot" and "DrawF" commands.

Finance: The "Finance" menu provides options for financial calculations, such as the "PV" (Present Value) and "FV" (Future Value) commands.

PRGM: Pressing the "PRGM" button opens the program editor, where you can create, edit, and run programs, as well as access the catalog of pre-installed programs.

  1. Input: Allows you to get input from the user and store it in a variable. Syntax: Input [variable name]

  2. Disp: Displays a value or expression on the screen. Syntax: Disp [value or expression]

  3. Output: Displays a value or expression on the screen with an ending cursor. Syntax: Output [value or expression],

  4. ClrHome: Clears the screen and home the cursor. Syntax: ClrHome

  5. Pause: Pauses the program and waits for the user to press a key. Syntax: Pause

  6. Return: Returns from a subroutine and continues execution at the point where the subroutine was called. Syntax: Return

  7. Goto: Jumps to a specific line number in the program. Syntax: Goto [line number]

  8. Gosub: Calls a subroutine and saves the current line number so that the program can return to it later. Syntax: Gosub [line number]

  9. If: Starts a conditional statement. Syntax: If [condition] Then [commands]

  10. Then: Indicates the commands that will be executed if the condition in an If statement is true. Syntax: Then [commands]

  11. Else: Indicates the commands that will be executed if the condition in an If statement is false. Syntax: Else [commands]

  12. For: Starts a For loop. Syntax: For [variable] = [start value] To [end value] [commands]

  13. While: Starts a While loop. Syntax: While [condition] [commands]

  14. Repeat: Starts a Repeat loop. Syntax: Repeat [commands] Until [condition]

  15. End: Ends a subroutine, loop, or a conditional statement. Syntax: End

  16. Lbl: Creates a label for a Goto or Gosub command. Syntax: Lbl [label name]

  17. Stop: Stops the program execution. Syntax: Stop

  18. ClrDraw: Clears the graph screen. Syntax: ClrDraw

  19. ClrList: Clears the contents of a list. Syntax: ClrList [list name]

  20. ClrText: Clears the contents of the text screen. Syntax: ClrText

  21. DelVar: Deletes a variable. Syntax: DelVar [variable name]

  22. DelVar X-Y: Deletes a range of variables. Syntax: DelVar [first variable name]-[last variable name]

  23. DispGraph: Displays the graph screen. Syntax: DispGraph

  24. DispTable: Displays the contents of a list in a table. Syntax: DispTable [list name]

  25. Edit: Edits a program. Syntax: Edit [program name]

  26. Return: Returns from a subroutine and continues execution at the point where the subroutine was called. Syntax: Return

  27. SortA: Sorts the contents of a list in ascending order. Syntax: SortA [list name]

  28. SortD: Sorts the contents of a list in descending order. Syntax: SortD [list name]

  29. Store: Stores a value or expression in a variable or list. Syntax: [variable or list name] -> [value or expression]

  30. Prompt: Allows you to customize the input prompt. Syntax: Prompt [text]

Catalog: Pressing the "CATALOG" button opens the catalog of pre-installed programs. You can use these programs as a reference or as a starting point for your own programs.

Memory: The "MEM" menu provides options for managing the calculator's memory, such as the "Archive" and "UnArchive" commands.

Connectivity: The "CONNECT" menu provides options for connecting the calculator to a computer or other device, such as the "Send" and "Recv" commands.